How Does Your Brand Inspire Loyalty?

Brand loyalty is a customer’s tendency to purchase one brand’s products or service over another. A research discovered that the world’s top 500 companies spend 8% of advertising on rewarding and acknowledging existing customers, but the top 100 spend 32% or four times as much.

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Lauren Robinson
The Importance Of Content Marketing To Grow Your Business

Content marketing involves the creation of information that is relevant to your business and valuable to your target audience. People are constantly bombarded by ads, but content marketing indirectly stimulates interest in your business in a manner different than traditional marketing. There are significant benefits to utilising content marketing in growing your business.

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Lauren Robinson
How To Give Your Customer a Positive Experience

Customer service is important in any business because as anybody can attest to, we all want to feel valued and respected. Great customer service can lead to an increase in customer loyalty, an increase in customer spending and frequency, and positive word-of-mouth about your business.

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Lauren Robinson